Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I Admire terorists...

I Admire terorists...

Shocked to read the title of my post? Well...to elaborate..I admireterrorists..not for what they do, but for the WAY they do whateverthey do!! Professional. Focused. Target oriented. Dedicated...I couldgo on and on. Of course their orientation is towards the destructiverather than the constructive forces. Imagine what would happen if therulers of our country could acquire even ONE of these qualities fromterrorists and use it in a constructive way..imagine a focused,dedicated and professional chief minister....imagine what wonders hewould do to our country. Why is this professionalism and thisdedication missing from the people who profess to be constructive?What is it that actually drives these terrorists? What would drive ourrulers to to that? Money? That they have! Power? They have that too!Amenities? They have plenty! Then what? I don't have the answer tothat... If anyone does, mail me on sanjana.bhosale@gmail.com.I can only think of a song by John Lenon which goes like this, "Imagine there's no country...it isn't hard to do...nothing to kill ordie for, and no religion too...imagine all the people living life inpeace....!

Ciao for now.

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