Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let us all stand united to face threat of terrorism

Said by Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, after the Mumbai terrorist attack.

Before come to India, what I heard about is only accident happened at local train transportation in Mumbai. It never comes to me that terrorisiam is in Mumbai (However actually there always is, mostly in north-east India). When the attack happened and the whole country in a commotion, my thought was confused with so many picese of information from people/ media around. However, what came to me first is the same as Singh said.

India, such a complicated country, with its diverse religion, race, political separatism and of course territory issues. I hope this threat could united this country, not separate them.

Been studied International Relations for 4 years in university, now I realized Taiwan is really reluctant to South Asia. I can not recall any of the issues we were learned in class, so just share some opinions I have, after share with friends here.

Apparently if I am an Indian, we do firmly believed that this attack is planed by Pakistan. While what confused me is the current situation between the 2 country before the attack. Pakistan just gone through a coup with the internal conflict of U.S. relation and religion, then re-elected their president. Government of Pakistan now might unable to control all the groups. Why they choose now to plan attack as recently the tense between India and Pakistan is mild?

What should be the solution?
There is always be political influencing, Singh has devote into economics and appeal to the U.S., which had made the traditional power very unhappy with him. The decision of reaction to terrorist or even Pakistan certainly will affect the election next year, and all political parties are moving for their benefits. Results are always being compromised in this democratic country.

Not except from international mechanism, there always be hidden agenda follow by Multipolar System, here dialogue between India, Pakistan, U.S. and China. The most different part is terrorist attack makes people irrational that caused internal conflict. Since 911, the international society still haven’t form a strategy to against terrorism.

I hope the leaders of India could manage the action in peace, even expect to see a best practice build up against terrorism.

Record from
Erica Wu

The Mumbai Tragedy - Aftermath

Mumbai Attacks ! What NEXT ?!?!?

The world has evolved with evolving mindsets and perspectives of people, with certain grim realities that cause sufferings and leave people full of hatred and enmity for one another creating an environment where causes have become bigger than people and the result is war and terror. A similar situation has just been experienced where limits of enmity have been redefined and the cost of the same is 'lives of people'. Innocence in this world has become a victim and been attacked, not once or twice, but again and again. The day of 26/11, has been embossed in the pages of history, MUMBAI - THE WORLD - HUMANITY has been attacked, brutally.

The world is adopting a reactive strategy, to fight when it happens. Our focus towards rectification, has been consistent in deviating us from the root cause of this entire situation which is the true way of rectification and completely removing this cause of Terrorism.

Different adoptions and meaning have been created of 'Islam' to misguide the youth for personal benefit, creating global havoc in the form of terrorism. Can we define an end to this.

Indians & internationals in India have experienced this grim reality from close, and they know how bad it has gotten in Mumbai. Can we control the worse from happening. Let us create a channel of discussion and without playing the role of a devil's advocate fight against terrorism by adopting the channel of peace. Lets contribute a solution through our views !
